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UCY-TF5 (tall oil fatty acid)

Product Datasheet

Item number: 10-017



General Information


UCY-TF5 is a Tall Oil Fatty Acid (TOFA) product with a special combination of fatty and rosin acids.


UCY-TF5 is an excellent raw material in various applications. For example it be used in metal working fluids, oil field chemicals, soaps, cleaners and alkyd resins.



Specification of UCY-TF5





Colour Gardner, photometer

max. 6

ASTM D 6166-97

Free rosin acids, %

max. 6

SCAN-T 14:78

Unsaponifiables, %

max. 4

SCAN-T 13:74



Typical analyses of UCY-TF5





Acid value


SCAN-T 11:72

Colour Gardner, photometer


ASTM D 6199-97

Free fatty acids, %


ASTM D 5974-00

Free rosin acids, %


SCAN-T 14:78

Unsaponifiables, %


SCAN-T 13:74



Product handling


UCY-TF5 should be delivered at around 20 °C and the recommended minimum storage temperature is 15 °C. If UCY-TF5 is subjected to cold temperatures during storage or

transportation it may become cloudy or show some precipitation. This is a normal characteristic and not a defect. If affected, the material should be gently heated to max. 30 °C and circulated or agitated to restore the clear and bright condition.

Delivery form


Liquid in road tanker, rail tank wagon, ISO-container, flexitank, IBC-container or 188 kgs net in steel drums.



In all applications of UCY-TF5 it is the sole responsibility of the buyer to respect and comply with any valid intellectual property rights of third parties.







UCY Energy Group




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Datum der letzten Aktualisierung: September 20, 2022