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item number 40-004
oil and fat gas coal and coke biomass power chemicals project development service


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Free Fatty Acids

Product specification

Item number: 40-004



Chemical Product: Free Fatty Acids (technical grade)*
Composition: mixture from rape oil fatty acids and their methylesters (biodiesel)
CAS-Nr.: 112-80-1
EWG- Nr.: 204-007-1
Appearance: brown, oily fluid
Origin: produced from the potassium salts of the vegetable fatty acids



Parameter Specification
FFA  50 % - 90 %
Water    < 1,5%
Ash < 0,2 %
Ester 8 % - 45 %
Free Glycerine 0,5 % - 2,0 %
Density 0,90 g/cm3
Flash point P.-M. 140-190°C
Calorific power, lower 35 – 37 KJ
Cetane-number 43 - 48
Sulphur content 2-300 mg/Kg
Autoignition temperature > 220 °C
Pour point 3 – 5 °C
Methanol <0,5%



*The quality meets not the requirements of the European Food Safety Authority (EC 178/2002) and also not the requirements of the Positive List for Straight Feeding Stuffs (Feed Materials) (8th Edition, January 2010).






UCY Energy Group






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last update: Dezember 28, 2018