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specification Tall Oil 1


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specification Tall Oil 1


UCY ENERGY supplies Tall Oil 1 - Tall Oil 1 is a tall oil pitch based bio fuel

Item number: 10-001

(prices on request)


Tall Oil 1 is a high-quality tall oil pitch based biofuel, which is basically used as a substitute for heavy fuel oil, but also as a raw material in the chemical industry. Tall Oil 1 replaces heavy fuel oil in customers’ processes. Replacement of heavy fuel oil by Tall Oil 1 in customer processes enables annual emission savings which are 125 fold compared with emissions due to production of Tall Oil 1 from tall oil.



product data sheet Tall Oil 1 (79 KB)


material safety data sheet Tall Oil 1 (79 KB)








UCY Energy Group


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last update: Dezember 28, 2018